Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ohhhh me ohhh my.

Life has been crazy the past month. I started a job at a bar at the beach, and then quit that. The next week, I started a job at Maxwells Grill in Chesapeake, and then quit that. I feel like I am never going to find a job where I feel like I fit in anymore. I liked Maxwells, but it was 30 minutes away and I had to leave an hour early, to get there in rush hour traffic in time. Plus the fact that I wasnt making any money at all. I really want to be a bartender. Thats where the money is at. They make so much money, and I want to be a part of that. I applied at a new bar called Seaboard Sports bar, that isnt open yet. I told them I was an experienced server, but I wanted to be trained as a bartender. I am supposed to hear back tomorrow if I got the job. Im really nervous, and hopeful. I really want to be hired as a bartender. That would just be so awesome, and open up so many doors for me!

So Audrie has been on such a sucky sleep schedule lately. She used to nap for 2 hours at a atime, and now its an hour if I am lucky. She wakes up atleast once a night now crying. Its crazy! I used to have such a good sleeper, never woke up at all...and now she has been waking up crying. I guess dreams have been startling her awake. She goes right back to sleep within 5 minutes, but its still just crazy. I dont mind it if we are still awake, but when I just fall asleep and then she wakes up screaming, I am up again for a while..

Nick and I went on our first date last weekend :) Its crazy that we are married, and have a baby, but had still never been on a real date! My dad came over and watched Audrie, and we went across the street to Otani, the Japanese Hibachi grill. We had a lot of fun, and really enjoyed dinner. I had a really good drink called a Samurai and it came in a Buhda glass that I got to keep! Really cool!

We went to the aquarium on Sunday. Audrie really liked walking through the room that was a walkthrough shark tank, she thought it was really cool! They have done so much new stuff since I used to go when I was little, but now it is so expensive! 17.99 a person! Thank god I had a buy one get one free card because I would not pay almost 40 dollars just to walk through and look at fish!

Nick has been home for over a month now! Its hard to believe! Its really nice having help with Audrie again. They are bonding and its really great to see. I love them both so much!

Well thats definitely enough for now!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I still have a blogger??

I seem to forget that I even have a blog, until I get reminded of it haha. We have been having fun lately! Nick is home for good! His ship is going into the yards soon, and then after that he will be going to shore duty. We are hoping that we are being stationed at Oceana, so that way we will stay here. I am in the process of searching for a nighttime waitressing job. Now that Nick is home, he can watch her so I can go to work and make us some extra money. I hate living paycheck to paycheck. Then something random will come up and we get totally screwed for money.I hate feeling that way, and I need to do something about it. ANYWAY
Today we went to the Zoo! It was really fun, but it was so busy. Busiest I have seen it actually. Probably because the weather was so gorgeous!! She was playing in the fountains in the front of the zoo! She loved it so much!

Its been so long since I updated! So much has happened! Audrie had her 1st birthday! She is so big! Walking, loving life! She will be 13 months on Tuesday!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I actually holding up really well without Nick here these 3 weeks. Im really enjoying spending time with my little girl. Shes growing up so fast and I love sitting at home with her playing. Within the past week she has discovered the PACIFIER. I was always really happy that she was never interested in one, until the other day. She was going through my purse and found it. Next thing I know she is crawling around the room with it in her mouth. Since then, she has been obsessed. Audrie has recently started trying to really walk. Before she would take like a step and fall. But shes gotten to the point where she can take like 7-8 steps now! Pretty soon she will be really walking! Im excited! Of course Nick missed that milestone too which really sucks :( Hes coming home in like 12 days, she will probably be really good by then!

I love my little baby so much!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Artsy and Crafty

Since Nick has been gone I have been trying to keep busy. I made Audrie a 4th of July tutu today! It was really easy and turned out really cute! I bought stuff to make her another one too, and i guess ill do that sometime soon! Im really proud of myself though. Tomorrow I am going to get stuff to make her a bow. And then on Thursday I am getting 4th of July pictures taken for her at jc penny :)

That is the skirt i made for her :) MAybe ill put them on Etsy and try and make some cash hahaha
15 days left <3

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Its extremely frustrating to hear people complain about not seeing their husbands or boyfriends enough, when i would give anything to be able to be with nick as often as they get. Their husbands dont go out to sea or anything. They get them home every day of their lives and get help with the house and with the kid(s). Yet they still complain about not seeing them enough or not getting any help around the house. Are you freaking kidding me? How about you trade lives with any military wife out there and then you will stop your freaking b*tching. Its ridiculous. I wish these girls would have 1 week in my shoes. They would probably die of loneliness when they see what its like to not have the love of their life with them. Yeah it sucks, so be f*cking greatful and shut your mouth.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hes gone, again. Im trying to motivate myself to go to the gym this morning. I always feel great while im there its just a matter or getting myself dressed, Audrie dressed, and driving all the way up there. Its easy to get lazy in that process. I plan on going to the gym atleast 4 days a week while Nick is gone, eating healthy, and hopefully losing a little weight before he comes home again. This morning was pretty hard. Its so hard saying goodbye when its for longer than just the day. When youre hugging them you know thats the last time you will get any contact with them for the next however long. Stupid Navy is always taking my husband away from me. This is *crossing fingers* his last long underway. Once he gets back in July he has just about 2 months until their boat goes into the shipyards and he will be home :) I love my little munchkin. I really dont know what I would do without her. She makes my days a little easier to bear.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dreading tomorrow...

I really dont want tomorrow to come. Nick will be leaving for 22 days. Ugh just really not looking forward to it at all. Hes working all day today, so i dont even get to spend time with him before he leaves. I have loved having his help around here the past 4 days. I hate when he comes home, i get help from him, and then it goes back to me doing everything by myself. It just makes me feel like crap. So im waiting to hear back from financial aid, so i can go up to the school and figure everything out and sign up for classes this semester. I guess that im planning on taking all online classes. it will just be easier because i dont have a reliable babysitter, and dont have the money to pay for one. I think online classes can either be better or worse depending on the teacher. I havent been in school since november of 2008. That will be 2 years when the semester starts. This is going to be a struggle for me but im READY.

I love my baby so much. She is growing up way too fast for me. She is already 10 months old. I cant believe I get to start planning her birthday party soon! AH!